Do you have out-of-date leather bag, a leather jacket that no longer fits, but cannot let go?
We can refurbish your old leather item into something you will like and actually use. You can choose your new items from our collections with over 20 items.
We can re-create a new item for yourself, a card case or pen case for your grandchildren, a picture frame as your mementos to your siblings, or first shoes for your first grandchild, etc. Our REBORN items are perfect for gifts with memories.


Your old leather item has been reborn to a new beautiful product!
Why not try it yourself?

Please select a REBORN Item(s) from our catalog below
-REBORN Item Catalogue-
– Before your order –
About leather goods we handle –
* We mainly handle bags made out of genuine leather and synthetic leather (PVC only). We can also work with an item such as leather jacket or other item, which can provide a large amount of leather.
* We may not be able to work with other clothing items or shoes, which requires special skills to dissemble or can produce small amount of leather.
* Based on the original item’s structure and deterioration, we may not be able to accommodate your preference.

1. Receive order
Please contact us as below.
Email: Please enter all the required information. Please email here.
LINE: Please register WITH LINE account as your friend. Please enter all the required information.
Required Information:
[Name] [Phone number] [Order details] Please send us your detailed request as much as possible.
FAX: Please download our order Fax form from our website, fill out the form, and Fax it to us.
Please download our REBORN order form here. REBORN order form
Phone: Please contact WITH directly.

Please send us your item or a picture of the item within7 business days our acknowledgment of the receipt of your order. Within 5 business days, we will send you our estimated cost.
* When the estimate was based solely on pictures, the actual cost may differ from the estimate.
* If you request a “REBORN” item, please send your item.
Postal service: Please mail the item to WITH. Client will be responsible for the shipping fee.
* We have no preference for which currier to use. We do not have any strict guidelines for how to pack the item, as long as the item is not damaged.
* Please remove any items that will not be included in the REBORN or Repair. Please make sure there no personal belongings (i.e. handkerchiefs) are left inside the item. We will not be liable for any lost items.
* Please save your order number.
* We are not responsible for any troubles arising out of the shipping process.
* If the original item is not workable due to severe deterioration, or both parties cannot agree on the proposal, we will ship the original item to you. Shipping fee will be paid upon receipt of the item by the client.
Picture only: Please send your picture via e-mail or LINE.
In person: If you would like, you can bring your item to our office. We will discuss your request in person. If you prefer visiting us, please make an appointment with our representative.

3.Payment and Production
Upon agreeing on the estimate, please make a payment as below.
Please kindly note that no cancellation is allowed once the production begins.
Your product will arrive approximately within 30 – 50 days.
Depending on the request, the timeline may vary.
If you have a deadline or specific timeline, please let our representative know.
* Once production begins, there will be no refund or cancellation.
〇 Wire transfer (upon ordering)
* Within 7 days of finalized estimate, please send your payment to the bank account as instructed.
〇 Payment upon receipt of the item
* Please make your payment to the driver when your order arrives .
〇 Payment at the office
* If you visit our office to receive your order, please pay at the office in cash.

Upon completion of the product, we will contact you. Please set up a date/time of delivery.
We will be responsible for shipping cost.
You may come to our office to retrieve your order.
Please check your item thoroughly when you receive your order.
If you notice anything that requires attention, please contact us within 7 days of receiving the item. We will take care of it as appropriate.
* For any damages during shipping from us, we will follow guidelines of the currier.
WITH Ltd. REBORN Division 〒340-0003 1-4-13, Inari, So-ka shi, Saitama, Japan
* Business hours: 10:00 ~ 18:00 (Mon – Fri, excluding holidays)
Please contact us to obtain our free estimate!
Bank account and fees:
Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, So-Ka branch Account Number: 1410715
< JPY 10,000: JPY324
< JPY 30,000: JPY 432
< JPY 100,000: JPY 648
< JPY 300,000: JPY 1080
Because leather goods are natural products, the same material cannot be used. Depending on the nature of the material or the condition, the color and nuances may be different.
We use the best parts possible, but we will not be able to replicate the exact same colors or materials.
Name Brand Items
We cannot use materials with a specific brand name or pure gold parts.
There is a possibility that any other repairs cannot be made by the original maker.
You cannot re-sell our products.
About our price
The additional payment may be required based on the additional material needed or the condition of the item for both REBORN and Repair.
We cannot cancel order or change order once the production begins.
We will return your item at your cost.
If payment cannot be made by the due date, another payment due date will be made. However, please note that if payment is delayed, you order may be delayed. If we don’t receive your payment after 3 weeks of the payment due date, the order will be canceled.
We will establish our estimate by examining your actual item. However, if only picture is used for our estimate, the actual price may be different. If you would like to bring your item in person to our office, please contact us in advance.
Threads, liner, and other materials
For REBORN and Repair, we will use our own threads and other materials. We will use materials similar to the color and texture of the original item.
We will use a zipper that’s close to the color of the item, if necessary.
(If you have any preference in color, please let us know)
Excess leather and parts
We will confirm whether you would like to keep any excess material not used for the REBORN/Repair at the time of ordering. We can discard if necessary.
Your privacy
We will only use your personal information for our communication to you, in accordance of the Privacy Law and Regulations.
We may use the pictures of your items on our website, SNS (i.e., Facebook), or our advertisement.
Our liability
We are not responsible for any psychological or intangible damages.
We are not liable for any complaints made after 7 business days upon delivery of your order.
Compensation will be determined based on our contract and actual value of the item.
Please acknowledge the above items, and use our service.